Morning Meditations
the busy mind
Through Meditation, mindfulness and compassion
Female, 49 years
"Sitting on my couch after a fantastic talk by you. Wow, how amazing you were to convey. I could feel every word right into my heart. It was so nice, present and authentic"
Female, 72 years
"Dorte is a great teacher with a wonderfully calming voive and very helpful instruction. I find it comforting to know I now have the tools I need to help me when a panic attack feels omnious and have found it a big help"!
I would recommend her classes to anyone!"
Female, 43 years
"Dorte is a warm and unpretentious person who has the ability to make meditation uncomplicated and very straightforward. For many years I have suffered from anxiety and through a course with Dorte I gained further self-insight. Through meditations with Dorte I have gained insight into how to cope with all my disturbing thoughts, learned to be more present and to find more calm "
talks "Sig mig, er det din onkel der er død?"
Participants say:
"Thank you for a really good lecture yesterday in Viborg. What a wonderful, inspiring and warm-hearted person you are, who reached all the way down to the back row. It's great that you dare to challenge silence and meditation despite the fact that there are skeptics between us listeners. I felt your warmth, spaciousness and inspiration all the way to my heart"
~ Anne Løhde Rask
🍀Next talk:
Sindets dag
Thursday October 10, from 4-5:30 pm
at Hørsholm Library
Bibliotekstorvet 1
2970 Hørsholm
Sign up here
For talks/workshops: contact:
August - september
Free Online workshops
arranged by
the union of Depression
(in Danish)
Tuesday, August 27th, from 19-20
Mød dig selv med omsorg og forståelse, når du er udfordret
Sign up here:
Tuesday, September 3rd, from 19-20
Hvordan kan vi forholde os anderledes til tanker og følelser
Sign up here: her:
Tuesday, September 17, from 19-20:15
At stoppe bekymringscirklen og vende sig mod lyset
Sign up here:
Tuesday, October 1st, from 19-20:15
Taknemmelighed som en hjertevarmer
Sign up here:
Start: February 27, 2025
Awakening Joy
more joy, less worrying
Do you miss the JOY of everyday life? have quite a few disturbing thoughts and a inner dialogue going on? and maybe also a lot of worries?
Then this course is for you!
In this 8-week course you will learn to cultivate joy and well-being by use of Mindfulness and Compassion.
All in all, you will be cultivating kindness towards yourself (and others) as well as practicing how to marinate in good moments in life in order to build new pathways of joy and well-being in your brain
You can read more here, where you also can register for the course
A weekend of joy,
August 2025
Awakening Joy workshop
with James Baraz
If you feel like having more Joy, Peace and Well-being in your life this workshop guided by warm-hearted James Baraz, the father of Awakening Joy, is for you
James Baraz, the wonderful, kind, well known and wise meditation teacher is visiting Denmark in August 2022 together with his wife and meditation teacher Jane Baraz.
Find more information here