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Dorte Olivarius Koustrup

Foto: Søren Jul Lambert

Dorte is the founder of Mind the Busy Mind, author and an experienced Mindfulness, Self-Compassion and Meditation Teacher. She has offered Mindfulness and Meditation courses, One on Ones, Workshops and Talks in Norway, United States and in Denmark. Dorte moved back to Copenhagen, Denmark in August 2019 from Houston, Texas.


In august 2022 Dorte published the book "Sig mig, er det din onkel, der er død?" (Tell me is it your uncle who has died?) about her own journey including how mindfulness, compassion and practicing joy have helped her enormously. When Dorte was 15 she lost both her sister and father to suicide. For years she tried to escape from these wounds, which unfortunately only increased fear, hostile thoughts and sadness. In her book she shares how various mindfulness- and compassion "tools" has helped her to face fear, to meet herself kindly and to find joy. Dorte gives a lot of talk about her book. Here you can see the quote from a participant:


"Sitting on my couch after a fantastic talk by you. Wow, how amazing you were to convey. I could feel every word right into my heart. It was so nice, present and authentic"

~ Woman, 49 years old


Dorte has experience working with companies, municipalities, schools, colleges and universities. Right now her focus is on one-on-one, workshops and courses in companies as well as her own private courses; e.g. Awakening Joy. Furthermore, Dorte is a part of the Inner Strength team from Human Practice Foundation teaching mindfulness and compassion to 7 graders.



Dorte holds various degrees. A Master of Science (M.Sc) from Handelshøjskolen in Aarhus, an MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) from Aarhus University in Denmark and University of Massachusetts, USA, and is also an MSC (Mindful-Self-Compassion) Teacher from Center for Mindful Self-Compassion - an education founded by Kristin Neff and Chris Germer. You can find Kristin Neff's research puplications here:


In June 2019 Dorte added Certified Awakening Joy Teacher to her portfolio. Dorte is among the first  Awakening Joy teachers trained by James Baraz, the wonderful and highly respected meditation teacher and author of "Awakening Joy - 10 Steps to Happiness", and co-founder of Spirit Rock Meditation Center in California. Adding on to this, Dorte is also a supervisor for the new teachers training to be an Awakening Joy teacher.


Besides being a meditation and mindfulness teacher, Dorte also achieved at 200-hour Yoga Teacher Trainer Certificate from Yoga Works, as gentle yoga is often a part of teaching mindfulness.


Dorte has many years' of experience as a teacher. In 2006-2015 Dorte was lecturing various subjects to students, as well as being a counselor for college students (at Copenhagen Business Academy) dealing with difficult - often stress-related - situations during their studies.


Dorte countinually participates in educations around mindfulness and self-compassion. To mention a few "Trauma Sensitive Mindfulness" by David Treleaven, "Advanced MSC Teacher training" and "Fierce Self-Compassion" by Christine Brähler", Awakening the Heart" by James Baraz, and a 3-years energy course "Syntese" by Helen Gamborg.


Hvert år deltager Dorte på stilheds-retræter. De sidste mange år har Dortes foretrukne retræte foregået på Louns ved Limfjorden, hvor Helen Gamborg fra Vækstcenteret underviser.

​​Mind the Busy Mind's vision:


Dortes vision er at gøre verden mere rummende og hjertelig. Et sted, hvor vi møder hinanden med mere forståelse og omsorg og udøver en mindre dømmende adfærd overfor os selv og andre.



Dorte ønsker at inspirere og hjælpe os til at tillade hele "pakken" og lære at holde af os selv, som den, vi er - på godt og ondt.  At turde være HEL istedet for at løbe forpustet rundt i et forsøg på konstant at være god:

"I'll rather be whole than good"




Ved at introducere dig til meditation, mindfulness og compassion-værktøjer, som gennem praksis kan hjælpe dig med at vække den indre glæde, opnå større mildhed og forståelse samt bruge nu'et som et anker.

Du kan lære at stå stærkere i dig selv, tilgå dig selv og andre med mere venlighed og forståelse, samt få et andet og mere konstruktivt forhold til dig selv og dine tanker.



Find mere info på:


Tak for et rigtig godt foredrag/oplæg i går i Viborg. Hvor er du et skønt, inspirerende og hjertevarmt menneske, der nåede helt ned på bagerste række. Fedt at du tør udfordre til stilhed og meditation på trods af, at der sidder skeptikere mellem os lyttere. Jeg mærkede din varme, rummelighed og inspiration helt ind i hjertet. TAK

~ Anne Løhde Rask

"Dorte is 50 yrs, a mother of three, and "is a forthcoming, unpretentious and warm meditation teacher who has the ability to make materials and meditations uncomplicated and very straightforward" ~ female participant, 43 yrs


Sidder i min sofa efter et fantastisk foredrag med dig. Wau, hvor var du bare fantastisk til at formidle. Jeg kunne mærke hvert et ord helt ind i mit hjerte. Det var så fint, nærværende og autentisk.
~ Lone Haarhøj Tollak

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