Morning Meditations
One on One
Using Meditation
Well-being by use of Mindfulness and Compassion
Learn to obtain a more constructive relationship to your (negative) thoughts
🍀Learn to treat yourself as kindly as you treat a dear friend
🍀Reduce stress
🍀Obtain a meditation practice
🍀Increase well-being
The sessions take place at Østerbro or Online
Price: Dkk: 950,- per session (60 minutter)
Ps. Below you will find information about individual mindful self-compassion sessions:

Mindful Self-Compassion
One on one
From self-criticism to self-compassion
If you want to learn to be less hard on yourself (maybe even treat yourself as kindly as you treat a good friend), find more peace and practice joy these sessions are for you. During the sessions you will learn to practice and cultivate joy, calmness and resilience as well as to have a different and more constructive relationship to your thoughts.
During 6 weeks you will:
1. Learn to use Mindful Self-Compassion tools
2. Practice Mindfulness
3. Learn to practice Loving Kindness as an antidote to fear
4. Discover your compassionate voice
5. Learn to meet difficult emotions differently so you do not get overwhelmed by them
6. Practice Joy and Gratitude
- for information about MSC (Mindful Self-Compassion) click here
Fear of Exam
five individual mindfulness sessions
Do you find that racing thoughts and worries fill your everyday life, limiting you, especially when it comes to exams?
Over the course of 5 sessions, you will be introduced to meditation and calming exercises that you can incorporate into your daily routine, as well as use when you feel under pressure.
The focus will primarily be on calming the amygdala (the brain’s fear and anxiety center) through meditation. Additionally, we will work on training your attention so that when worrying thoughts arise, you can more easily return to the present moment—the place where we are most at ease and happy (read more here).
The five sessions will follow a structure similar to this:
Being present in the moment and managing the stream of thoughts
Using the body and the present moment as anchors
Meeting discomfort with compassion
Using loving-kindness as an antidote to fear
Finding balance between the critical and compassionate inner voices
For some, five sessions are sufficient; for others, more may be needed. The more motivated you are for change and the more you engage with your homework, the fewer sessions you will require.
PS: To get the most out of the course, it’s important that you are open to practice meditation and some exercises at home.
Sessions are held in Østerbro. In some cases, they may also be held online.
The price per session (60 minutes) is DKK 950
PS: This course can also be offered as a group course if there are several participants. A minimum of 8 participants is required, and the price is DKK 2595 for five sessions. We will meet for 2 hours (instead of 1 hour) each time
Personalized gratitude sessions
Gratitude training can be one of the greatest paths to greater well-being. It can be a real heart-opener, and studies show that gratitude training can give us more energy, increase the proportion of positive emotions, make us more open-minded and help us sleep at night, etc.
One way to practice gratitude is to apply mindfulness and shine a light on what we already have. On what works in our lives, instead of following the negativity tendency of the brain, which often focuses on what doesn't work and what we lack/want more of. Unfortunately, it is often the case that it is only when we lose something or someone that we realize how significant it has been.
So if you would like to practice mindfulness and gratitude, these sessions are for you! You sign up for four sessions, where mindfulness, meditation and most importantly gratitude are what we train. From week to week you will get exercises and meditations you can practice at home.
The price for four individual session is DKK: DKK: 2695-,
Awakening Joy
One on one
During 10 weeks you will be guided individual through the Awakening Joy Programme made by James Baraz, meditation teacher and co-founder of Spirit Rock Meditation Center in California
"Dorte is a warm and unpretentious person who has the ability to make meditation uncomplicated and very straightforward. For many years I have suffered from anxiety and through a course with Dorte I gained further self-insight. Through meditations with Dorte I have gained insight into how to cope with all my disturbing thoughts, learned to be more present and to find more calm "
~ Female 43 years
"Da jeg var nede i det mørkeste kemo-hul kom Dortes beroligende og tillidsfulde ord og stemme og træk mig op igen. Jeg glædede mig altid til mine møder med Dorte, fordi hun kunne noget helt specielt. Hun talte mig altid tryg, varm og fuld af tro på, at det hele nok skulle gå. Jeg er dig evigt taknemmelig for alle vores samtaler og meditationer igennem hele mit kræftforløb"
~ Linda, 50 år