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Talks and workshops

in Companies

Cotton Flowers

Self-compassion Workshop 1:
Attacking ourselves when we already Are struggling 

We have a tendency to attack ourselves when we already are challenged. This workshop will put a light on how Mindfulness and Self-Compassion can show us alternative paths to follow in difficult and stressful situations.

The teacher will guide you through different self-compassion exercises incl. meditations.  All in all, we will explore how helpful it can be to bring in mindfulness and self-compassion in various situations.

This workshop will show you:

- a new way to relate thoughts and feeling so you are not carried away by them

- a compassionate approach to be used during challenging times in order to prevent an increase in stress levels.


- a way to turn toward light and joy, thereby improving your overall well-being


The workshop includes both exercises and brief periods of silence.

A 2017 study published in Health Psychology Open* found that people who have higher levels of self-compassion/ who treat themselves as a good friend in difficult situations handle stress better"


"Thank you for an enriching afternoon last Friday!. You left us all calm, relaxed and well-adjusted after some good presentations and stress-relieving exercises. You are very present and authentic, which is contagious and makes you want to practice a little of what you can"

~Jeanette, MindFlex

Self-compassion Workshop 2
The art of staying home while being there for others

Join this workshop on how to ensure self-care while supporting others.

In this workshop we will explore what happens when we feel overwhelmed and are challenged in the process of taking care of others.


We’ll practice meeting ourselves with compassion and support in challenging situation. Thus, the focus will be on discovering our inner friend instead of our inner critic.


Overall, we will explore the benefits of bringing mindfulness and compassion into challenging situations.


The workshop is led by Dorte Olivarius Koustrup, founder of Mind the Busy Mind. She will guide us through mindfulness and self-care techniques we can use in stressful situations. Dorte will illustrate how to approach yourself with support when facing difficulties.

We often have a tendency to turn against ourselves when we are stressed or challenged, whether through harsh inner dialogue, worry, or self-blame. 


This workshop will include compassion exercises and brief periods of silence.

"Det var en fantastisk rejse, vi var på i mine øjne. Du foldede temaerne vel ud, og med din både blide og empatiske måde og samtidig skarpe syn på mindfulness fik du deltagerne helt med. Du skabte et åbent og fortroligt rum, alle følte sig tilpasse i"

~ Barbara, Selvhjælpskordinator

Peace in the mist of chaos

What do we do when we are stessed and/or challenged?

- something that increases stress og reduces it?


I have a tendency to emptying a bag of chips in very high speed when monkey mind sets in - when/ and after being in a challenging situation.

But, does bags of chips help os?


Or does it help to distract oneself?

To run away from the problem?

Blame others for our discomfort? etc. ? 


Or are there other paths to follow in the middle of chaos, so we don't get drained, exhausted and e.g. turn to that bag of chips?


Standing in the mist of chaos - how to cope

The present as an anchor

Mindfulness and Compassion as a tool to use in and after the chaos

The workshop contains both reflections and shorter periods with silence.

Awakening Joy

Joy and well being by use of mindfulness and compassion

- focus on stress reduction, well-being and joy


During this talk you will get the opportunity to be inspired on how to include more peace and well-being in life by: ​


Being mindful and not being caught up/giving energy to unwanted thoughts


Living in the present moment, where research shows we are most happy 

Inclining the mind towards joy and well-being by use of mindfulness


Cultivate gratitude (as research shows increases well-being)


Supporting yourself in challenging situations, so thought and emotions doesn't take over

There will be a mix of talks, meditations and reflections - all tools to help finding more joy, well-being and peace at work and in your personal life.


​Goal: to invite more peace and well-being in to life.


What is it and How can we benefit from it?

​Numerous scientific papers prove that mindfulness enhances mental and physical well-being and reduces chronic pain. It addresses many of our current and every day stress related problems.


In this talk you will get to know more about mindfulness, the advantages by practicing it, what research shows, and how mindfulness has helped me. ​There will be a few mindfulness exercises as we go along

Stress and How to Cope by use of Mindfulness and compassion  - Awareness as the critical element in learning how to free yourself from stress​


The subjects can be:​

- Awareness/mindfulness as the critical elements

- Stress and how we react to stress

- Increasing positive states of mind and reducing negative

- Does it help to ruminate?

Reducing stress by using mindfulness-

-Stress and the brain​


There will be a few mindfulness exercises as we go along​

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Mind the Busy Mind by Dorte Olivarius Koustrup I E-mail:  I  Phone: 29 28 77 50

Address:  Strandvænget 15, 2100 København Ø, Denmark

CVR nr. 40713808

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